Faithful in Giving


 There’s a saying that you’re suppose to give 10 percent in your offering. That’s not in the New Testament. The Bible tells us to give as the Lord has prospered you. There are some people who can afford to give more, and that’s what He means by, “he that had gathered much had nothing over and he that had gathered little had no lack,” that there may be equality.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 tells us, God loveth a cheerful giver. If you give sparingly, expect little in return. What do you mean by sparingly? He means if you have it to give. Remember when Jesus was standing at the temple watching the Pharisees, the Sadducees put all kinds of money in. Then a little widow came up and put in a mite. Jesus stopped her and said; This widow has given more than them all because she gave everything she had. They gave out of their abundance.

After you begin to do these things – the Seven Essentials – God is going to begin to open your eyes more because you’re faithful. The Bible tells us without a vision the people perish. When you do these things, you obligate God to work for you and open up your understanding. You obligate him when it comes to a revelation of the Body of Christ.

 Read 2 Corinthians 8:2-7


January 25, 2018
By webadmin January 25, 2018
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