Faithful in Reading

 There are seven essential elements in the Bible that are foundational to our salvation. My next several posts will focus on these seven elements, which I refer to as the 7 Essentials of Faithfulness®. The first of which is faithful in reading the Word of God. If you don’t read the Bible you will not understand the scriptures. Think of the Bible as food for your soul and if you don’t eat it you’ll eventually become weak and die. The Word of God can provide you the nutrients (knowledge and wisdom) to maintain your faith in the Lord.

Have you ever heard someone make a so-called statement from the Bible, and then you go search for it and can’t find it? Most likely it’s their opinion. You have to base your faith on the word of God. The Word of God can sustain you. When you read the Bible the Lord is talking to you. If you haven’t read your Bible, you can start today. Try reading the New Testament several times before you go to the Old Testament. All the mysteries are hid in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament. All the prophecies are hid in the Old Testament concerning Jesus. When you read about the tabernacle in the wilderness, the brazen altar, the holy of holies, the laver, the seven-fold candlesticks, the shewbread, and the golden altar – those are symbols that are brought out in the New Testament.

Set aside time to read the Bible. A lot of people waste hours and hours in front of television. You may say, “It’s hard for me to read.” But when you start reading, you create an appetite. Don’t try to interpret it, just read it, and get acquainted with the scriptures. It’s the minister’s responsibility to give you the interpretation. In Ephesians 4, it says, The Lord ascended on high, and gave gifts unto men. Some apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the Body of Christ. That you henceforth be no more children.” In other words, you have to grow in this. You come in as a babe. Paul said, “I fed you with milk and not with meat.” (1 Corinthians 3:2) In others words, you were on the weaker things of God. You’ll learn about the baptisms, why you received the Holy Ghost, what is His purpose in my life. You’ll learn about order, where you’re supposed to go to church – these are the essentials, the fundamental things you are supposed to learn. In Nehemiah 8:8, the minister read it to them and gave them the understanding of it.

1 Timothy 4:13 - Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine


By webadmin January 25, 2018
January 25, 2018
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